Johanna Kiernan - A Brighter Future for Blooming Grove And A Common Sense Plan for Progress
• Fiscal Responsibility Participated in budgets and encouraged an understandable and sustainable budget with services to be delivered at a minimal cost, experienced in contracts, and how the various Town Departments are managed.
• Open and Transparent Government Encourage the participation of residents in government.
• Protect Our Environment Aggressively pursue the development of the Hazard
Mitigation Plan to prepare us for future hazards, a drafter of the Open Space
Document, the Natural Resource Document, encouraged the Conservation Advisory Council to seek environmental solutions among other legislations for the protection of our lands and am currently on the Planning Board and Secretary of the Moodna Creek Intermunicipal Watershed Council which works to protect our drinking water.
• Have continuously attended Town Board meetings since 2001,
• Currently the Town Historian for Blooming Grove,
• Member of the Mountain Lodge Park Glenwood Hills Residents Association for over 20 years,
• Member of the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company’s Ladies Auxiliary for over 20 years,
• Initiated the renovation of the Tommie H. McDuffie Memorial Park and applied for and received grants to install the basketball court and the handicap walkway in the Park..
• I look forward to working on your behalf and being your Ward 3 Representative on the Blooming Grove Town Council in 2024! I need your vote!
"In this crucial local election, your vote has the power to shape our community's future. I am committed to being a responsive leader who listens to and advocates for the needs of all Blooming Grove residents. Together we can build a more connected and vibrant community. But I need your support. Let's unite and make our voices heard"
Johanna Katherine Kiernan