At this week's 'almost' last session of the year for Blooming Grove, among a dozen or so other resolutions there was one passed that should put a smile on the faces of a lot of residents in low-income brackets. The Town will be deducting a significant percentage off the assessment for residents in several income groups, beginning in the $30-$35,000 range. We have not yet received the itemized list and conditions for each group and recommend that to ensure accuracy you should contact the Town of Blooming Grove Assessment Department 845-496-5223. Please bear in mind that it will be necessary to have tax and other documents in good order!
In Other News
The potential future Oxford Distribution Center was discussed again at length. It is still in a very preliminary stage. This is an approximately 1.7 million sq. ft. Distribution Center that will be divided among several buildings that would be spread out on about 67 acres of a parcel that is over 330 acres, much of which is wetland and forest. The public has become active in the discussion of its pro's and cons. This project could save most of the forest and wetlands of 300 acres between Oxford Road and Round Hill Road. There are two other adjacent significant open space parcels owned by the same group that are likely not buildable due to extensive wetlands and steep slopes that environmental advocates are encouraging the Orange County Land Trust to step in and help preserve. This would include the entire marsh area along Round Hill Road, with the exception of the intersection of Route 94 which may be developed as a combination of Sustainable Small Business and a Viewing Area for protected views of the Schunnemunk Ridge. On the minus side, the project brings concerns about traffic ingress and egress (what route would large trucks take to get to the Quickway North and South and the Thruway). Secondly, there is concern over potential noise, visual and light impacts along Route 94. Project Engineer Mike Morgante is encouraging residents to attend Planning Board meetings so that as the project proposal develops, he says, "If everyone works together", it can be one that we can all feel positive about."
Offering a few comments about this proposed project, Engineer Mike Weeks
suggested that the Town take a second look at the Zone category name as a Business Park, which it fits in some ways, with a group of buildings spread across the parcel and with one owner, but not in others.
The Town Board voted for the Planning Board to be the Lead Agency as it develops. However, Supervisor Rob Jeroloman said that, especially since this requires a Special Use Permit, the Town Board will be very regularly involved in its progress, and any final approval will come back to the Town Board for final decision. He emphasized to Town Engineer Pat Brady to let the Town Board know about any additional special consultants that may be needed for a thorough review.
Planning Board Meetings are listed on the Town's Website and it is currently a lengthy list. A meeting scheduled for next Wednesday includes continuation of a Pre-Submission Conference for the Oxford Rd. Project.
Also on their Agenda is a Public Hearing for a proposed 5,590 sq. ft. Bed & Breakfast at Orchard Lake Drive with access to Clove Rd. (Town of Blooming Grove/Monroe mailing Address). Maps and files for this B&B (and other projects) are available at the Planning Board Office. The project proposal includes an existing subsurface sanitary disposal system and existing well. The property is currently occupied by a multi-family dwelling in a RR (rural-residential) Zone.
Other items on the Planning Board Agenda for next Wednesday include a continuation of a Public Hearing for preliminary review of a 31-lot subdivision at 1151 Craigville Rd., Site Plan and Architectural Review for Craigville Logistics Warehouse, Site Plan and Architectural Review for Expansion of an existing Building at 307 Museum Village Rd., Extension Request for Conditional Final Approval of Site Plan and Architectural Review of a new Blooming Grove Ambulance Facility at 2737 Route 94, Extension of the Public Hearing for Site Plan & Architectural Review for Sugar House Restaurant/Catering Hall at 940 Craigville Rd., an extension of Public Hearing, Site Plan and Architectural Review of a Restaurant/Retail and Apartments "Rain Realty Holdings LLC at 10 School House Rd. and an Amended Resolution for Metro Sound Pro at 1033 Route 17M.