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Senator James Skoufis' Final Investigative Report on StarCIO Procurement


Senator James Skoufis did not mince words in the opening of his final report about the "Procurement" process used to hire StarCIO as the firm to look for an Information Technology Commissioner. and whether rules were bent or broken during the lengthy hiring process that earned Human Resources Commissioer Langdon Chapmen's brother-in-Law's Search Firm a bundle, though Chapman said he did not participate in the process..... other than to recommend that the brother-in-law speak to one of his assistants about the job.

As of today, December 10, County Attorney, Rick Golden, has agreed that the procedures at least need review and improvement, and he and Steve Neuhaus are assembling a small group that will be given that task. CE Steve Neuhaus had stated that months ago he had queried "Why on earth are we spending all of this money, and still have no one for the job." He has since, just last week, hired a new official Information Technology Commissioner, Glenn Marchi.

But Skoufis still has harsh words and a lengthy report (PDR is attached below). Calling the Report:

" StarCIO & Orange County Government Corruption", and

his introductio states " Recent testimony provided by several high-ranking Orange County officials during investigative committee hearings has underscored the nepotism, fraud, and corruption at the heart of Orange County’s hiring of StarCIO. HR Commissioner Langdon Chapman and other high-ranking officials intentionally mishandled the procurement of ‘transitional’ information technology consulting services, resulting in direct enrichment of Chapman’s family member, and the waste of over $800,000 in taxpayer funds with little evidence to demonstrate the company’s efficacy"

The full investigative report is as follows, and includes the following key sections:

Improper and Potentially Illegal Vendor Selection

Improper Selection of StarCIO

Improper Expansion of Scope

13 Key Recommendations

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Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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