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City of Newburgh Seeks Members for the Conservation Advisory Council

NEWBURGH, NY – The City of Newburgh is seeking volunteers to serve on the Conservation Advisory Council to fill four expired terms. Individuals interested in volunteering must apply by March 11, 2024. The purpose of the Conservation Advisory Council is to make recommendations regarding the development, management, and protection of the City's natural resources.

The Conservation Advisory Council meets on the first Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Center, 123 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY 12550. Appointment to the Conservation Advisory Council is by the City Council. Appointed individuals will fill the remaining portion of any unexpired term or a full term of two years.

City of Newburgh residency is a requirement to join. Interested individuals may submit an application online here:

Paper copies of the application are available in the office of the City Clerk at 83 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550. Applicants may submit a letter of intent in lieu of an application. The letter of intent must contain answers to the questions found in the application available online or in the office of the City Clerk.

All applications not completed and submitted online through the City’s website and all letters ofintent must be returned via regular mail or by hand delivery to the City of Newburgh Executive Office, attn: City Manager, 83 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 or via e-mail to:

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