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Letter to Editor Re. "Prospect Gardens" & Its Stop Work Order


Stop Work Order On 50 Homes & 2 Apartment Buildings in Residential Area Lifted Despite Absence of Subdivision Approval

Monday March 20, 2023 was a very busy day here in the Village of South Blooming Grove-specifically at 159 Prospect Road, one of the parcels for the newly (presented to public for the first time at 3-16-23 VSBG Planning Board meeting) proposed NOT approved subdivision development, "Prospect Gardens."

VSBG Building Inspector was at the site earlier today to issue a 'stop work order' as clear cutting had begun without PB permission. Yet a few hours later, that same order was rescinded as Planning Board gave its approval!

How was that possible? There was no "emergency" Planning Board meeting on the VSBG website calendar! In fact, the next scheduled PB meeting is 4-20-23, when a Public Hearing is scheduled for the "Prospect Gardens" subdivision project.

Did the VSBG Planning Board conduct public business without the public? As per NYCOM (New York State Conference of Mayors and Elected Officials," it states: "If a public body holds a meeting without complying with the OML's (Open Meeting Law) notice requirement or without allowing the public to attend and observe the meeting, any actions taken at that meeting or as a result of that meeting,may be nullified by a court."

I am suggesting that VSBG PB's actions on 3-20-23 with regard to "Prospect Gardens" are in violation of the Open Meeting Law. I am requesting that the 'stop work' order be reinstated as "Prospect Gardens" has NOT been approved.

All related documents concerning "Prospect Gardens" were attached in my 3-16-23 email-subject: "ALERT!!! "PROSPECT GARDENS" IN SO. BLOOMING GROVE-TYPE 1 SEQRA" I will resend upon your request.

Planning Boards are in place to "provide for and guide the orderly growth and development of the community." That does NOT seem to me to be happening here with regard to "Prospect Gardens."

Submitted by Sue Anne Vogelsbert

Village of South Blooming Grove

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Orange County Courier Journal

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19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

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