It looks like there will be a new era of leadership in the Village of Washingtonville. With the votes counted, former Mayor and current Ward 2 representative on the Town Board, Tom DeVinko, received a very significant majority of votes to again become the Village's Mayor.
Donna Jacaruso and Susan Walski received the most votes for positions as Trustees.
The results have not yet been declared official but here are the number totals, and the majorities are significant. We congratulate the winners after a long hard fight, and a difficult election season.
The most significant issues that the winning candidates argued during the campaign were potential of a colonial home on Main Street to become 2 buildings that would include offices and apartments, thus detracting from the historic look of the Village center, loss of open space, problems in recording finance numbers, and failure until recently to revise the Village's Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Bucco was credited by many for the numerous holiday events and parades that the Village became known for, and recent success of businesses in the Village's center.
We wish the new officials the very best in leading the Village forward in the coming years, and the former officials and candidates the best in their future endeavors!
Tom DeVinko - Mayor - 644
Joseph Bucco - Votes - 451
Donna Jacaruso - Trustee - 641 Susan Walski - Trustee - 628
James Kolar - Votes - 441
Alma Gonzalez - Votes - 386
