Hats off to NFA's GOLDBACKS who despite a rough Fall in which a shooting incident by campus that had nothing to do with them threatened to disrupt their football season. Some schools refused for a time to even go to their home games. But these young boys acted like we wish more adults would - they worked their hearts out, cooperated, did their field maneuver homework and brought home the Section IX Title. Now they are on their way to State Finals and we wish them the best. Win or lose they play like the giant talented gentlemen athletes they are!!
They beat the Middies at Middletown Field with a 35-0 win. And yesterday at QuarterFinals they claimed the Regional NYSPHSAA Class AA Title from Carmel, with a 26-20 win in overtime. (Check back tomorrow - More pics to come from Melissa of the Title game win yeterday)
Also, hats off to Melissa Winfield Corbet for her fantastic photographc work! (Melissa Winfield Corbett Photography).