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Political Seasion -Letter #2 to the Editor Supporting Virginia Scott


Why I am voting for Virginia Scott for Cornwall Town Supervisor

I am supporting Virginia Scott (Ginny, to those who know and admire her) for the office of Cornwall Town Supervisor. I would like to tell you why.

As a woman of a certain age, I am aware of the criticism directed at women who speak out. Ginny speaks out. She does this in letters and at board meetings. She speaks out in a forthright way to ensure that she and our community have access to necessary information involving decisions being made on behalf of our town. She endeavors to make sure that those decisions are on the record and visible to the public.

I admire Ginny’s courage in putting herself at risk for criticism in the pursuit of transparency. I realize that her questions are inconvenient for those who are being questioned. She wasn’t elected to be silent. She was elected to represent all of us. I value her efforts to provide us with much needed clarity.

I am supporting, without reservation, a strong woman who, I believe, has the best interests of all the residents of Cornwall in her heart and mind. I will be voting for Virginia Scott for Town of Cornwall Supervisor in the June Democratic Primary.

Rita Ponessa

Cornwall on Hudson

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