On Monday, May 15, 2023 the Kiwanis Club of Washingtonville hosted the Washingtonville Cemetery Committee representatives Jill Moore and Nancy Popoloski . Jill spoke about the history of the cemetery and the church and the current need for preservation. Nancy spoke about the residents of the cemetery and upcoming events.
The 160th Anniversary of Gettysburg on July 1-3, 2023 will be an opportunity to acknowledge all our Civil War veterans.
A “Luminary” event is set for this Civil War Commemorative Weekend. Battery operated candles will be placed in bags in front of grave sites to create a glow of light for the entire weekend. Donations are requested for this project as well as other ongoing restoration projects.
Please visit WashingtonvilleCemetery.com which provides further information on the cemetery, those who reside there as well as many projects completed and planned.
Also follow Washingtonville Cemetery on https://www.facebook.com/washingtonvillecemetery.
I suggest that a link to the Washingtonville Cemetery website be included on the Town website.
Contact Edie Johnson to Advertise 845-381-0804