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Blooming Grove is Crafting a New Zone For "Sustainable Business"

One of Blooming Grove's Environmentally Sensitive Lakes and Waterfall, Lake Hildegard, which earlier this month had construction debris including 2x4's and plywood sheets dumped at its shoreline and floating out onto the lake before sinking to the lake bottom. The Lake is home to an extraordinary variety of fish, turtles and resident swans as well as Great Blue Herons, Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons which use the vegetation for sustenance.

At this week's Town Board Meeting a Public Hearing was held regarding development of a specific zone for Sustainable Business. Like other communities in the area, most residents feel it's "Enough with the warehouses" becoming a visual impact throughout the County, and generally not offering sustainably significant worker pay. Also, most of them serve outer communities and even places far off. The goal of this new zoning would be to promote businesses that will become a more significant participating partner in the community. Supervisor Rob Jeroloman gave the example of the filming industry, which the County's Economic Development Department says is continuing to fluorish, usess local people in their projects and has teaching programs that can lead to a successful future in the industry. Warehouses are not 'out of the question', but, he said the Town was more interested in a Warehouse that is part of a Corporation and therefore would be more likely beome part of the community, similarly to what MediaCom. has been able to accomplish. The Sustainable Business Code will also be more supportive of locations for major businesses that are on or near major highways, and therefore will have better accesss to both receiving and delivery along transportation routes that do not impact residential and environmentally sensitive areas.

The Board declared itself as Lead Agency in crafting the code, after reviewing numerous comments from the Town Planning Board. with regard to what will be known as "Sustainable Business Proposed Local Law" The law will have additional Planner and public review, and opportunity for public comment.

In Other News: The time for submitting comments to the NYCEC regardig public reaction to their assertion that the Clovewood DEIS is "Complete as Submitted" is nearing a close. Town Planners are in the midst of writing their response. All resonse letters must be submitted to the DEC by December 22. For the contact information about where to submit the letter, and the DEIS contents you can search the past 6 weeks of Courier online posts, or contact Ryne Kitzrow or Johanna Kiernan, or the Town Hall.

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